Should I buy a bagpipe?

No, you should take a couple trial lessons first.  The only thing you need is a pencil.  You can take a few video lessons for free to try out the process.

How much do bagpipes cost?

I tell my students to start saving their money when they start lessons.  A good Scottish Bagpipe is made of African Blackwood and will run between $1500 to $2000. It will take 8 to 12 months (depending on how much you practice daily) to get to this point.

Do I need a bagpipe to start learning to play?

No, You will need a practice chanter, a method and a teacher to guide you through this process.

Should I teach myself?

You can, however I make a living teaching people who started out on their own and became frustrated.  You might consider starting with me at the beginning.

How long does it take to learn to play the bagpipes?

It takes 2 to 5 years (or longer) depending on how committed to practicing you are.

How are lessons given? 

Lessons are given in person if you live in the Philadelphia Region and around the World on Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom.