Apr 16, 2017
There has been a lot of talk recently about the “bagpipe lung” illness. The story circulating through the internet involves a person who contracted a fatal lung disease from playing the bagpipe. I read it with interest and ascertained that a lot of his problem could...
May 19, 2013
I love hymns. After 32 years of going to church with my wife, I have become addicted to hymns. They are a lot like bagpipe tunes, which has made it an easy task to arrange 65 of them for the bagpipe. I wanted to do something else along with that. I still feel that the...
Jun 5, 2012
After 6 years of playing my Gibson Fireside Pipes, I decided to sell them and get something new and different. I went back to my favorite bagpipe maker: Henry Murdo of Dunfion Bagpipes. I wanted a small pipe that played in Bb so that I could play it with the small...