The Maintenance Kit

A good maintenance kit is essential to maintaining a set of bagpipes. Forty years ago when I started playing the pipes, we played it the same way they did for hundreds of years. We played elk-hide or sheepskin bags that were sealed with “seasoning” that usually...

The Blowing & Squeezing Pendulum

I seem to be working with a lot of people right now on “blowing and squeezing”. The Great Highland Bagpipe of Scotland is one of the few wind instruments in the world where “the breath” has nothing to do with the musical line. The job of the breath on our instrument...

The Affect of a Personal Project

One of my students came to his lesson feeling a little discouraged because he couldn’t yet keep up with my teaching CD. He was talking about bailing. The truth is that he is doing reasonably well on his bagpipe project. The problem, as I see it, is that people...

Stop, Drop and Roll!

Stop, drop and roll is what we teach people to do if they are ever on fire.  We need to have something like that when it comes to practicing.  Practicing isn’t about playing something over and over again until something happens.  What we need to do is practice...